Animation has become a lot more advanced than it was a 100 years ago. With the creation of computers and the World Wide Web, we see animation everywhere we go; being it on television, animated adverts and even e-learning tools. There is no doubt that at some point while on the Internet you have seen one of the animated banners you can see on the right. The reason why you may recognise these kinds of banners is because they are interactive, moving and are trying to get your attention. There is no doubt that if you actually click on one of these that you will get a virus on your multimedia device.
The next kind of animation that most people see but do not actually realise is an animation is the loading screen. Whenever a program or application is loading even if it is on your computer, there will be a small circle next to your cursor which will spin around for as long as the application is loading to indicate to the user that it may take some time. Animated logos can be seen on many different multimedia's such as TV's, electronic banners and digital devices. For example, on the TV screens when they show adverts many of the logos that are shown have been animated in a certain way so that the audience who sees them will remember the logo when they see something similar such as the 'M' for McDonald's.
As well as TV adverts, there are also TV series that are entirely animated. These are mainly aimed at the children's TV channels such as Cartoon Network, Boomerang, Disney Channel. But as well as the main stream channels which show animated series, there are also smaller series that are made in other countries such as Japan and China.
Lastly there is the E-Learning tools. These kind of animations are very similar in the way of banners as they are supposed to be interacting to the user to try and keep their attention; but at the same time interactive. These kinds of tools are generally used for children who have smaller attention spans and tend to get bored very easily while learning. A typical example of this is a multiple choice question where you need to drag the answer to the correct question.
Different Kinds Of File Formats
SWF is an abbreviation for small web format which is an Adobe Flash file format which is typically used for multimedia, vector graphics and ActionScript. This is the most common file that is used when displaying animated vector graphics on the internet.
FLA is an Adobe Flash movie or animation file which can still be edited if opened again. FLA files are very similar to Adobe Premiere files in the way that all of the objects that are in the movie are saved together.
GIF is short for Graphics Interchange Format which is a bitmap image that was created by CompuServe in 1987 and is now used worldwide and mainly seen on the World Wide Web due to its wild support and availability.
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